Italian Social Marketing Association Newsletter 194

Trainings: Social Marketing Key Concepts and Principles. 3-session self-paced online course


Today, 12:04

The iSMA, ESMA and other affiliated global Social Marketing associations have identified a need for a short, high quality, low-cost, continuously available introduction course to Social Marketing that reflects iSMA endorsed concepts of Social Marketing and how they can be applied in a global…

La Newsletter dell’Associazione Europea di Marketing Sociale


Today, 11:14

The latest news from the European Social Marketing Association (ESMA).

Table Ronde restitutive du Symposium le Marketing Social Appliqué à la Santé


Today, 10:49

Captation de la table ronde restitutive du symposium Le Marketing Social Appliqué à la Santé. Table ronde modérée par Véronique Regnier Denois (Institut PRESAGE) avec les interventions du Pr. Laure Ambroise (Coactis), Dr. Pierre Arwidson (SpF), Boris Chapoton (Chaire Hygée), Pr. Marie-Laure Gavard-Perret (CERAG), Pr. Karine Gallopel Morvan (EHESP), Luc Goethals (Chaire Santé des Aînés), Pr. Isabelle Prim-Allaz (Coactis), Stéphanie Verfay (Coactis), Marie-Claire Wilhelm (CERAG).

Las herramientas del marketing para exprimir los datos de las redes – Gonzalo Díaz Meneses


Today, 09:15

La investigación de mercados ha cambiado radicalmente en los últimos tiempos. Se incorporan tecnologías como el neuromarketing y la minería de datos, aplicadas en inmensas bases de datos como las redes sociales.

Social Marketing. A Behavioural Change Rebel turning 50 – Gerard Hastings, Alan Tapp, Christine Domegan.


Today, 11:04

Social marketing’s call to action is to get on board now, be the Change Catalyst in your life, your family and your community to open the door to a new sustainable world for all.
Join us and our guest speakers on the 50th anniversary of Kotler and Zaltman’s (1971) famous Social Marketing paper as we hear about the latest developments in Social Marketing.

Behaviour Change for Conservation • Change


Today, 10:54

Behaviour Change for Conservation • Change | Social and Behavioral Change Communication or SBCC is a planned theory based and evidence based process to facilitate social as well as behavior change. It uses Socio-Ecological model to analyze the problem from multiple levels (personal, interpersonal, community and other enabling environment) in order to identify the root causes, influences and intervention points for changing knowledge, attitude, behavior and social norm.

Anna Bonny – The Mastectomy Patch


Today, 11:11

Directed by Chloe Wallace, produced by Canada. Script by Jane Darroch Riley. Brand advisors: Bendita Gloria

It’s not easy being green – THE LANCET 


Today, 12:25

Evidence has shown that nations will not achieve their targets because efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) have been inadequate. Technology can play an important part in
the fight to lower global temperatures, but at what cost?

Giuseppe Fattori speaks on the role of Social Marketing in today’s global landscape – Griffith University


Today, 00:25

“We should be proud of Social Marketing for having promoted social good across all continents by overcoming the stigma that the word ‘Marketing’ carries with it” a strong sentiment by Giuseppe Fattori, Professor in Social Marketing at the University of Bologna.
Giuseppe shares his thoughts on the impact of social marketing during a time of change taking place in the world.

L’Italia nel Board Europeo del Marketing Sociale


Today, 00:15

The ESMA Board supports the development of ESMA as a globally recognised professional organisation for European Social Marketing.

Dove nasce la violenza contro le donne – Intervista a Lella Palladino. forward


Today, 12:29

Un problema culturale e strutturale, dai costrutti patriarcali al lavoro di cura.

Cosa manca per equilibrare i poteri e per una società inclusiva? Abbiamo bisogno solo di una buona governance?

Abbiamo bisogno di valorizzare la soggettività delle donne che non possono essere sostenute come persone in difficoltà da includere.

Comunicazione e vaccino anti COVID-19. A cura di DORS


Today, 12:17

Applicare le Scienze Sociali e Comportamentali per affrontare l’esitanza vaccinalee promuovere la fiducia nel vaccino**

Wen-Ying Sylvia Chou, Ph.D., M.P.H.,1 Caitlin E. Burgdorf, Ph.D.,2

Anna Gaysynsky, M.P.H.,1 Christine M. Hunter, Ph.D.2

Non possiamo più ignorarli – Giovanni Mori. Fridays for Future


Today, 11:40

Dopo COP26 è sempre più urgente dare risposte concrete per il futuro del pianeta. Ascolta il podcast con l’intervista a Giovanni Mori, portavoce del movimento Fridays for Future

Misurare ciò che conta: Al di là del Pil   di Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Martine Durand


Today, 11:33

Stiglitz, Fitoussi e Martine Durand propongono una nuova agenda «oltre il Pil». Il volume propone un nuovo armamentario di metriche per stabilire la salute di una società, incluse misure sulla diseguaglianza e la vulnerabilità economica, sulla sostenibilità ambientale e su come le persone percepiscono la propria vita.

Italian Social Marketing Association Newsletter 193

Lancement de l’Institut du Marketing Social 


3 November, 23:55

– Comment être plus efficace pour changer les comportements
pour le bien de tous ?
– Prévention santé et des risques, engagements pour l’environnement, lutte contre les discriminations, … comment changer d’échelle et influer sur les pratiques et les représentations?

The environmental price of fast fashion- Nature reviews


4 November, 11:56

The fashion industry is facing increasing global scrutiny of its environmentally polluting supply chain operations…

These changes stress the need for an urgent transition back to ‘slow’ fashion, minimizing and mitigating the detrimental environmental impacts, so as to improve the long-term sustainability of the fashion supply chain.

Quarantena, alimentazione e stile di vita: lo studio del Crea – il fatto alimentare


4 November, 11:45

Uno studio del Crea ha indagato come sono cambiati stile di vita e alimentazione durante i periodi di quarantena per la pandemia da Covid-19

“Globalizzazione e privatizzazione dei sistemi sanitari” a cura di Gavino Maciocco e Maria José Caldés Pinilla


4 November, 11:59

Nell’ambito del Festival della Salute Globale si svolge l’iniziativa #GlobalHealthNow – Dialoghi sulla Salute Globale

Fast Fashion: la moda che uccide il pianeta – WIse Society


4 November, 12:06

E’ la moda veloce ed è dannosa per il Pianeta. Chiamata anche moda usa e getta, la fast fashion è tra i settori più inquinanti per l’ambiente ed è fondamentale passare a una filiera più green.

Social marketing at Bologna University. 18° Course. Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Media, Public and Corporate Communication.


3 November, 23:28

By the end of the course the student will have acquired conceptual, methodological and applicative skills of social marketing applied to issues of public utility, with particular reference to the Sustainable Development and Health Promotion.

Social marketing at Smart health: Promozione della salute “OnLife”


4 November, 09:48

Webinar con Francesco Gabbrielli (ISS), Alfredo Pascali (Pascali NExT-Health), Eugenio Santoro (IRCCS Mario Negri), Giulia Franchi (WELMED), Giuseppe Fattori (Marketing sociale, UNIBO). Modera Anna Iannone (Unimore)

Salute digitale: come sta cambiando l’ecosistema? – di Angelica Giambelluca


4 November, 11:30

Telemedicina, terapie digitali, ma anche umanesimo digitale e comunicazione sanitaria sui social: la salute sarà sempre più digitale.

How your pile of laundry fills the sea with plastic pollution


4 November, 12:05

Tiny fibres from washing machines are being eaten by a multitude of marine species.

Fast fashion’s waste model is going out of style 


4 November, 11:50

Spanish giant Inditex, owner of the fashion brand Zara, pumped 120,992 tons of CO2 equivalent into the atmosphere in 2020 — a year marked by lockdowns linked to the COVID pandemic — and 350,101 tons in 2019. The H&M Group emitted 72,580 tons of CO2 equivalent in 2020 — 18 percent more than in 2019.

Scuole che Promuovono Salute e Disuguaglianze Sociali – DORS


3 November, 23:45

In questo documento troverete finestre di dialogo, illustrazioni o fumetti che hanno lo scopo di farvi

fare una pausa per riflettere sulle situazioni di disuguaglianza nella vita quotidiana

Italian Social Marketing Association Newsletter 192

Exclusive Online Learning Courses


29 August, 22:52

These courses have been created by seasoned social marketing thinkers, practitioners, and researchers in partnership with the International Social Marketing Association (iSMA) and European Social Marketing Association (ESMA) and aim to provide a truly engaging and insightful learning opportunities to those who enrol.

Promoting vaccine uptake – 2 New free toolkits and courses developed for the UN by Professor French


29 August, 22:46

In an effort to assist local and national governments, businesses and key stakeholders to develop effective COVID-19 communication strategies focused on promoting protective behavior and maximum uptake of the new COVID-19 vaccines that are now coming on stream, UNITAR is pleased to present a series of training toolkits.

Ross: The Make-Me group is the only one still unvaccinated


Today, 13:01

There are essentially three levels of nudging people respond to: Show Me, Help Me, and Make Me. At this point, the Show Me’s and Help Me’s are vaccinated.

Frontiers | Incentivizing Change Within Social Determinants of Health Using Blockchain Technology 


Today, 13:36

There are growing initiatives and calls to focus greater attention to the social determinants of health (SDOH) and their impact on population health (Heiman and Artiga, 2015). Several emerging strategies are being used to begin to address social determinants, such as the use of health impact assessments and applying health in all policies (HiAP). .. Through exploration of the current state of SDOH in the healthcare industry, an analysis of blockchain technology will render the acceleration and adoption of SDOH to effectively provide improved health outcomes.

Twitch user perceptions, attitudes and behaviours in relation to food and beverage marketing on Twitch compared with YouTube


Today, 14:26

Influencer marketing may be amplified on livestreaming platforms (e.g., Twitch) compared with asynchronous social media (e.g., YouTube). However, food and beverage marketing on Twitch has not been evaluated at a user level. The present study aimedto compare users’ self-reported exposure to food marketing and associated attitudes, consumption and purchasing behaviours on Twitch compared with YouTube.

Big Tech In Medicine: How Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, IBM & NVIDIA Disrupt Healthcare


Today, 14:19

Tech giants in healthcare: we looked at how these companies, Amazon, Google/Alphabet, Microsoft, Apple, IBM and NVIDIA have approached medicine.

The Alexafication of Adult Social Care: Virtual Assistants and the Changing Role of Local Government in England


Today, 13:45

Voice controlled virtual assistants, delivered via consumer devices such as smart speakers and tablets, are being trialled by local authorities across England as a convenient and low-cost supplement or potential alternative to “traditional” telecare

Leonard Bernstein on Cynicism, Instant Gratification, and Why Paying Attention Is a Countercultural Act of Courage and Resistance 


Today, 13:13

“There is so much inherent goodness in people that if they aren’t inhibited by traumas and are given half a chance, it shines through.”

“Ambiente e salute in 100 secondi” in anteprima a “Modena SmartLife” dal 1°settembre alle 18.


Today, 12:10

12 Video e Podcast sui temi di Agenda 2030

 a cura di Giuseppe Fattori, Marketing Sociale – Scienze Politiche (Università di Bologna).

In collaborazione con Medici per l’Ambiente (ISDE) e con Marketing Sociale e Comunicazione per la Salute APS.

Gli esperti coinvolti: Eloise Longo (ISS), Giovanni Mori (Fridays for Future), Eduardo Missoni (docente di Politiche globali per la salute), Sandro Spinsanti (cultore di Medical Humanities), Roberto La Pira (, Alessandra Fabri (ISS), Laura Gennaro (CREA), Agostino Di Ciaula (Medici per l’ambiente), Aberto Mantovani (ISS), Giuseppe Costa (docente di Sanità pubblica). Prossimamente il link per la diretta.

Ethical Approaches to Marketing. In collaborazione con l’Università di Cardiff: … Gerard Hastings, Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Giuseppe Fattori.


29 August, 23:14

…Marketing is the Devil bat this collection demonstrates the potential for marketing and marketer to make important contributions on the side of the Angels.
Ken Peattie (Cardiff University)

Pandemie e strategie ambiente e salute: One Health, Global Health e Planetary Health – Sistema Salute


29 August, 22:38

Negli ultimi anni si è progressivamente affermata una maggiore consapevolezza della necessità di un approccio olistico per far fronte ai rischi per la salute in termini globali. Con la definizione “One Health” si riconosce che la salute degli esseri umani è legata alla salute degli animali e dell’ambiente.


Il ruolo degli Influencers durante il lockdown – Gianluca Perrelli


Today, 13:10

Al di là delle più evidenti e ahimè gravi conseguenze del #COVID, in molti tra gli studiosi dei fenomeni socioeconomici ricorderanno questa pandemia come la #pandemia degli #influencer.  Se i virologi sono stati i veri protagonisti di questa pandemia, gli l’influencer intesi come categoria sono da annoverarsi tra i migliori interpreti del momento.

Salute Mentale: il terapista è online su Twitch o TikTok – Salute Digitale in Italia


Today, 13:29

I creator di contenuti su TikTok o Twitch si occupano di Salute Mentale. È un bene o un male? Twitch è una video piattaforma conosciuta soprattutto per gli streaming di videogiochi. TikTok è un social network basato sull’utilizzo di video

L’ossimoro della medicina digitale.  Ovvero: riusciremo ad umanizzare il digitale prima che questo cancelli la nostra umanità? – G.Collecchia, R.DeGobbi.


Today, 13:33

[…] La filosofia arriva sempre troppo tardi. Come pensiero nel mondo, essa appare per la prima volta nel tempo, dopo che la realtà ha compiuto il suo processo di formazione ed è bell’e fatta…

Marketing Generazionale: Come Attrarre Le Diverse Generazioni – Strategy


Today, 13:40

Come attrarre i Millennials, la Gen X e i Boomer. Suggerimenti per comunicare al meglio con ogni generazione. Utilizza la segmentazione generazionale nella comunicazione di marketing per avere un approccio personalizzato a seconda del target di riferimento.

HIV, parliamone – Stop al contagio, non al contatto.


Today, 13:38

HIV, parliamone
Più silenzi, meno informazioni, poca attenzione? Sei vignette di Pat Carra per riflettere con humor su HIV e AIDS.

Italian Social Marketing Association Newsletter 191

Pour prévenir le surpoids et l’obésité, le marketing social est efficace – Patricia Gurviez


24 July, 09:23

La lutte contre l’obésité est d’autant plus efficace qu’elle est précoce. Pour sensibiliser les individus et les inciter à adopter une alimentation saine, le marketing social a fait ses preuves.

Use more of social marketing’s fundamentals in your programs


25 July, 13:59

Download your free copy here:
We know the key to increasing rates of behavioural change. Embed more of social marketing’s fundamentals in your program planning, design and delivery, and you will increase change.

Personal and social drivers of vaccine hesitancy


23 July, 23:23

Role of Health Communication and Policy in Vaccine Hesitancy and Acceptance

Amazon’s Dive Into Healthcare: A 2021 Update


24 July, 09:04
What do the publishing, film and healthcare industries have in common? They are all fields that tech giant Amazon ventures into. But even though healthcare is the latest the company got involved in – at least publicly -, Amazon is making leaps in the field.
Social inequalities in hostility toward vaccination against Covid-19 – medRxiv


24 July, 23:02

Specific campaigns should be thought beforehand to reach women and people at the bottom of the social hierarchy to avoid furthering social inequalities in terms of morbidity and mortality.

Human behaviour: what scientists have learned about it from the pandemic


24 July, 22:54

During the pandemic, a lot of assumptions were made about how people behave. Many of those assumptions were wrong, and they led to disastrous policies.

système 1 système 2, les 2 vitesses de la pensée


24 July, 23:34

Savez-vous que votre cerveau combine deux modes de pensée ? Qu’il existe une pensée rapide et une pensée lente ? Que chacune dispose de ses compétences comme de ses biais ? Vous le pressentiez ! Cette vidéo de 2mn vous en apprendra plus sur la théorie de Kahneman. Alors… pensez-y à 2 fois !
vidéo conçue et réalisée par

Perdere tempo online è il lavoro che riempie le nostre esistenze


24 July, 09:28

La meditazione di Carrère e i consigli del “flânerd” Pietro Minto su come annoiarsi meglio sono uniti in un nodo decisivo per capire il nostro tempo, segnato dalla concentrazione come risorsa da cui estrarre valore

Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs: How Technology Can Help


24 July, 09:09

Stop smoking apps, wearables, VR and other digital tools effectively support the fight against addiction to cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.

BUILDING Social Marketing across Europe


23 July, 23:11

ESMA currently has twelve national representatives who promote the objectives of ESMA within their home countries and provide news of their countries’ social marketing activities and developments to the wider European community.

L’impronta ecologica – Sandro Spinsanti in “100 secondi”


25 July, 12:15

I possibili significati di questa espressione sono due: il primo è un significato tecnico, cioè si tratta di valutare il consumo umano di risorse naturali rispetto alla capacità che ha la terra di generare queste stesse risorse…..

Il secondo è un significato simbolico, ovvero possiamo pesare sulla terra di più o di meno e ciò dipende dalle nostre scelte

Urban Development and Planetary Health


25 July, 12:41

Video recording of the fifth Planetary Health Online Lecture.
Cities can be drivers of enormous power for the required transformative changes. Therefore, innovative urban development presents major opportunities to improve population health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for health risks exacerbated by climate change.

Fari in attesa di valorizzazione – Alessandra Fabri


25 July, 13:55

Lo scopo principale di un percorso di riconversione è salvare gli edifici dal degrado per garantirgli un nuovo utilizzo

Mapped: Happiness Levels Around the World in 2021


Today, 21:11

Global happiness levels are determined by many diverse factors. These maps look at the happiest and unhappiest countries in every region.

Climate and Ecological Emergency. Can you really make a difference??


24 July, 22:48

Climate and ecology are inextricably linked. Both are now in great peril. If we do not tackle those challenges with co-ordinated efforts then we stand far less chance of solving either of them. This holistic approach forms the basis of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill..

FOIE GRAS: questa crudeltà accade ancora in Europa.

24 July, 22:43

FOIE GRAS, solo crudeltà – un’indagine di Essere Animali

Il Parlamento europeo però si è schierato contro la pratica dell’alimentazione forzata e ha dichiarato di voler mettere fine a questa vera e propria crudeltà.

Sul cinema. Un’arte della complessità. Edgar Morin


24 July, 09:13

Nelle ricerche sul cinema ho tentato di estendere il tipo di indagine condotta nei miei libri sulla complessità del mondo e dell’essere umano.

“One Health Digital”: il patto culturale che serve per una sanità globale e sostenibile


23 July, 23:42

In un momento storico in cui la mancanza di risorse non può più essere un alibi, occorre accelerare il passaggio verso una sanità sostenibile, prendendo atto a tutti i livelli di errori e miopie e ripartendo con grande senso di responsabilità. Per farlo occorre un “patto culturale”. Ecco i fronti “caldi”

Italian Social Marketing Association Newsletter 188

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Italian Social Marketing Association – Newsletter 187

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Italian Social Marketing Association Newsletter 186

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Professor Piero Formica, founder of the International Entrepreneurship Academy (, is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Value Institute ( at the National University of Ireland (Maynooth, Dublin) and directs an experiment laboratory on innovative startups at the centre of entrepreneurship (EDEN at the same university. In this talk he discusses how ignorance can lead to creativity.